For the upcoming Mother's Day, IndusLadies.com is coming up with a compilation of an elegant list of all Indian Mommy Bloggers and is sending it to over 1 lakh readers. In addition, this list would also be made avaialble to 6000 facebook fans and twitter followers of Indus Ladies. (Note: If you blog "exclusively" about Parenting your kids, or about Parenting in general or any special Parenting experiences, then your blog qualifies).
If you blog inside or outside Indusladies.com, this would be a good way to get the word out about your wonderful blog to the entire membership of Indusladies.
On Mother's Day, all you need to do is make a blog post requesting your readers to download this compiled list of Indian Mommy blogs.
If you would like your blog to be included in that list, please email (to partners@indusladies.com) the following as soon as possible and before 6th May.
1. Your blog URL
2. Your blog Name
3. A 5-8 line description about your blog (or about yourself as a blogger)
4. Link to 3-5 of your most popular blog posts.
Please forward to your fellow bloggers as well.
P.S - If you have any questions, please email partners@indusladies.com.
PPS. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to send in the request for your blog to get included too, so HURRY!!!!!!