I was overwhelmed when I received my first blog award- the thinking blogger one, which came my way from Hipgrandmom. I had only just started off on the journey through blogdom and to be gifted that then was a real real delight. All the more so because it was TOTALLY unexpected. Awards were just something happening to the rest of all those interesting people out there, something to read about, and I never expected to figure at all.
Then, I started making more friends, and being part of many other lives and now, when Moppet's mom tells me my blog has The Power of Schmooze, I find myself AS delighted as then. Because, now, I feel like I'm part of the family and it is absloutely wonderful to be thought a nice family member. Thankee kindly, Moppet's mom.
The creator of this award refers to schmoozing as "the ability to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection"
Now I'm all for the casual conversation. But gain advantage? make social connection?
The last two sound very materialistic, kind of like a networking tool that is essential in my business, but not in my blog. My blog is 100% true to my self. I may have to be nice to people I don't like in my profession, for that's how the business works. But in my blog, in my posts and in my comments too, every word is sincere and heartfelt and responsive. But then , comments are a way of keeping in touch in blogdom, so I try and comment to as many posts as strike a chord somewhere.
98% of my blogging family remains unseen and even unknown, most of them writing under their blog personas. So I have nothing to gain anyway from them, except
1. Empathy (working mother guilt, harried mothering)
2. Encouragement (from those who've been there/done that and are wiser for it)
3. Words of praise/support ( which help you toodle along the way)
4. Sharing interests- (be it likes, be it dislikes)
5. Venting, ranting ( and being understood every step of the way)
6. And yeah, learning ( all of us are so similar and yet so different, there are so many different learnings, of different customs, different countries....)
7. Laughter ( its so amazingly wonderful to laugh and be laughed at)
and with all this, that bond just gets forged, and gets stronger with every passing post and comment.
Thank you, Moppet's Mom for finding me nice and genuine, warm and friendly.*warm hug*
And now, its my turn to take advantage of the mommas/grannies and to make a social connection here. *wink, wink* I've only just come back and I haven't had the time to go through all the blogs yet and find out who's been awarded this, so you gals will just have to forgive me if there's an overlap
Gauri She lets you be part of her world so effortlessly, its as if she's relating your world. And she puts down so many nice things you can do for your kids, its awesome. A warm, creative mother, I wish I were like her.
WIN and Sunita Their posts are a few and far in between, but when they do post, the connection is instantly made. And their words paint a delightful picture of themselves and their lives and kids, and make you chuckle.
~Nm A very easygoing , likeable person. Absolutely without any airs, and very down-to-earth, her writings are warm and effervescent. She can paint very well and man! can she take a picture! Her comments are always friendly and tongue-in-cheek and I like her all the more for it.
Hiphopgrandmom She's quite exactly what her blog's called, a hip hop g'mom. With many hats on her head, she juggles them all with seeming ease. The age barrier just doesn't exist here, the fact that she's a grandmother only adds to the charm. I only hope that when I'm a G'mom, I'm as engaged and engaging as her.
There are so many others out there, who are worthy of this award, but then, I mustn't be greedy and hog, must I? I shall leave some for you others too.
Then, I started making more friends, and being part of many other lives and now, when Moppet's mom tells me my blog has The Power of Schmooze, I find myself AS delighted as then. Because, now, I feel like I'm part of the family and it is absloutely wonderful to be thought a nice family member. Thankee kindly, Moppet's mom.
The creator of this award refers to schmoozing as "the ability to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection"
Now I'm all for the casual conversation. But gain advantage? make social connection?
The last two sound very materialistic, kind of like a networking tool that is essential in my business, but not in my blog. My blog is 100% true to my self. I may have to be nice to people I don't like in my profession, for that's how the business works. But in my blog, in my posts and in my comments too, every word is sincere and heartfelt and responsive. But then , comments are a way of keeping in touch in blogdom, so I try and comment to as many posts as strike a chord somewhere.
98% of my blogging family remains unseen and even unknown, most of them writing under their blog personas. So I have nothing to gain anyway from them, except
1. Empathy (working mother guilt, harried mothering)
2. Encouragement (from those who've been there/done that and are wiser for it)
3. Words of praise/support ( which help you toodle along the way)
4. Sharing interests- (be it likes, be it dislikes)
5. Venting, ranting ( and being understood every step of the way)
6. And yeah, learning ( all of us are so similar and yet so different, there are so many different learnings, of different customs, different countries....)
7. Laughter ( its so amazingly wonderful to laugh and be laughed at)
and with all this, that bond just gets forged, and gets stronger with every passing post and comment.
Thank you, Moppet's Mom for finding me nice and genuine, warm and friendly.*warm hug*
And now, its my turn to take advantage of the mommas/grannies and to make a social connection here. *wink, wink* I've only just come back and I haven't had the time to go through all the blogs yet and find out who's been awarded this, so you gals will just have to forgive me if there's an overlap
Gauri She lets you be part of her world so effortlessly, its as if she's relating your world. And she puts down so many nice things you can do for your kids, its awesome. A warm, creative mother, I wish I were like her.
WIN and Sunita Their posts are a few and far in between, but when they do post, the connection is instantly made. And their words paint a delightful picture of themselves and their lives and kids, and make you chuckle.
~Nm A very easygoing , likeable person. Absolutely without any airs, and very down-to-earth, her writings are warm and effervescent. She can paint very well and man! can she take a picture! Her comments are always friendly and tongue-in-cheek and I like her all the more for it.
Hiphopgrandmom She's quite exactly what her blog's called, a hip hop g'mom. With many hats on her head, she juggles them all with seeming ease. The age barrier just doesn't exist here, the fact that she's a grandmother only adds to the charm. I only hope that when I'm a G'mom, I'm as engaged and engaging as her.
There are so many others out there, who are worthy of this award, but then, I mustn't be greedy and hog, must I? I shall leave some for you others too.
Schmooze on girl, I love coming here to schmooze. :)
Congrats JLT, you really DO SCHMOOZE. Have seen you leaving friendly miles and trails everywhere you go. And please do write more than the acceptance speech you have given. Whats up Sonny boy? LOng time since you gave updates.
Congrats you Schmoozer:)it's very well deserved!
A big warm hug right back at you, JLT! :-D
thanks for considering me worth of the mention.this is an added responsibility.well i quite like it.
Miss schmoozy... you ooze schmoozes :) I knew you would bag the award sooner or later!
I also know you are biassed towards me... so even though I may or may not deserve it... I grab the award from you before you can change your mind :P
Thanks JLT and well deserved award for you!
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