Today morning when he was drinking his milk seated in my lap, I spotted the first boily pimply looking thing.
But he wasn't itching, and he wasn't uncomfortable about them, so off he went to school.
In the afternoon when I called he was his cheerfully screaming self and when I asked L (the companion) she said that there weren't any pimples either.
In the evening when I charged home a little early and examined him, the rash was developing more pimply, and he was also starting to look a litle feverish, so off we went to the doctor. Who took one look at the 'pimples' I showed him and said very matter-of-factly- ah! he has chicken pox.
Ooh la la!
"Any more children at home?" he asked.
I shook my head vigorously.
"Good," he said. "Because otherwise they will also get it."
"Err.. no other children, doctor, only me and my husband who have never had chicken pox," I said and looked wryly at the doctor.
And he looked at me and I looked at him and both of our eyes twinkled and the good doctor said, "well, all I can say is that you're in for a good time, then." And we laughed together.
Of course, there were no medicines, except for the fever, and we were on our way out pronto. Outside the door, I called up the husband and informed him that it was chicken pox indeed. That Sonny boy was perfectly alright as of now, no itching or anything, except for a slight fever.
In the evening, after the husband also reached home, Sonny boy merrily cycled away, while both of us were left feeling itchy all over. And we laughed at each other's itching. While we still could. For I don't think it will be a laughing matter when we actually do start itching. HALP!
Later my Mom called up to enquire about what the doctor's verdict was on the rashes/pimples and while she was not too happy to learn that it was the pox, yet there was a measure of relief that he had got it young. Apparently, the older you are, the more severe an atack of chicken pox is.
Sonny boy importantly told his Ammamma-"Ammamma, I have chicken POTS."
And all of us collapsed in laughter.
Well, L told us that it was actually the Amman's blessing or something like that. I HAD heard it too. And all I can pray for is that the dear Amman gives us Her blessings all over again to help cope with Her blessing.
People, please send up a prayer for us.
1 year ago
ouch. yes. it does attack more severe in grown ups. i've seen it twice in my own family. hang in there, both of you. will you have any help?
keep laughing to face it :)) thats the best way I suppose.. and my prayers are definitely there :)
Your mother is right. Better to have it early. Its much easier to cope. And dont worry he will be up and running soon enough. But you two please take care. I wish i was around there to help you :-) But just give him light stuff and lots of coconut water. avoid oily foods. His body offer to be cooled. I pray he gets well soon
he he sorry i meant his body needs to be cooled. me and my typos thanks to my mobile gprs ;-)
But yes they say sooner the better. I hope it gets better soon.
my father got it post 50!! - better to have it early I agree
fanning the skin with a bunch of fresh neem leaves ( well washed ) really helps alleviate the itching
ensure lots of coconut water too
Kodi's Mom: Ouchie indeed! My parents got it while I was in college, and they got it bad. But the good side is that the grandmother is coming over on Wed. :-D
Scattered: Laughing definitely helps.:-) Thanks for the prayers too, tho' :-).
WIAN: Have stocked up with fruits and coconut water, yes. Trying to get hold of some neem leaves.
He's up and about right now itself, only a boil in his ear(!) seems to be troubling him. Poor fella doesn't understand why these 'kurus' are cropping up all over.
~Nm: I hope so too. Has Anirudh got it? Or have you guys taken the vaccine? We opted not to.
Art: Mine did too. and he had it worse than my nephew, my sis and my mom who all got it together.
Am trying to get hold of some neem leaves.Tender coconuts thankfully are avaialble in plenty close by.
take care all of you....
i would give some advice too, if i could remember, that is...
oh! that's too bad.. i just hope that kiddo recovers fast and that the two of you don't fall ill. all prayers with you!
prayers your way!!!
get well soon!
ohhh boy! tht's the second case of the pox i've heard this week :( all the best y'all! as the others said, the younger you get it, the better it is. i'm safe - got it when i was 10 (didn't give my final exams and just got moved to the 6th grade..hehehehe). can't u guys get some shots or is it too late? N's never had the pox and he's got some shots. We're going ot give BB her shots when we come over this weekend...i just hope she doesn't catch it before that!!
All the best !
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