I AM glad I maintain this blog.
Some days back, the Acha and Sonny boy were playing with his toys, when one went missing and Sonny boy ran to the bedroom saying it was there...
The Acha said, "But Sonnyboy, isn't it drak in there?"
Sonny boy came out of the room giggling and then clapped his hand to his forehead. "Its not drak, Acha, it 's dark darrrk, daRRRRk. You don't know ANYthing"
And he proceeded laughing to his toys. Leaving a highly indignant Acha spluttering. And the Amma laughing at both of them
The new phrase in the household is "you /he/she don't know ANYthing."
We hear this sentence at least 5 times in a day, given that we see him for only about half the day. It all started when we'd gone home to Kerala and my sister was teaching Sonny boy. Now she, like me, learnt abcs without the phonetics.
So there she was teaching Sonny boy that 'see' was for cat, and 'eee' was for elephant, and 'gee' was for grapes.. and Sonny boy at first couldn't believe that here finally was an adult who knew less than him.The he thought she was making fun of him and he was getting irate, which was when I popped onto the scene.
Sonny boy latched onto me instantly and said, "Amma, Moothamma don't know C (the phonetic sound) for, Moothamma don't know A for, Moothamma don't know ANYthing!!
His whole tone was so why am i learning from this ignoramus???
For sometime after that, whenever anybody was an ignoramus as per Sonny boy, he'd go ,
"You don't know ANYthing. You're like Moothamma!"
and he'd chortle along with the rest of us who'd be guffawing. Moothamma is most indignant at this, but the phrase has stuck.
Sonny boy just might grow up to be an economist, maybe...
For he's been making new currencies.
The other day we were in the temple on New Year's Day. Sonny boy loves to put money into the temple 'bhandaram' as he loves to hear the tinkle of the money falling down and joining its mates below. So, as usual, when he saw the bhandaram, he said,
"Amma, I want paisa, give me paisa".
I took out a note and gave it to him, when he said,
" Amma, I don't want this. I want circle paisa. I don't want rectangle paisa"
He got his circle paisa.
He's a pastmaster at the art of conning people. When we're really mad at him , he comes with a forlorn face (you'd think he was taught dramatics in playschool, with the expressions he can cook up on his face) and asks, "Amma, you happy to me?"
Given his naughtiness quotient, and my (and the Acha's) impatience quotient, now this has become even more frequently uttered than 'you don't know ANYthing'. To the extent that even the Acha and Amma and assorted relatives have taken to asking one another at times of differing opinions, "You happy to me?"
You stu not work so late.
You stu come home early.
You stu be happy to me.
You stu tell me story....
Stu is the new should.
You stu all use it, my bloggie friends. Its great.
1 year ago
ok I will surely do this
i stu do it...
too cute!
cute...u stu be glad that u have this blog...
LOL! Poor Moothamma though! :-)
cute!!! once he grows up he will enjoy seeing all that
cute!!! once he grows up he will enjoy seeing all that
Kids and their language, sigh! I have a long way to go. In the mean time, I stu look forward to sonny’s speech.
You stu write more often abt sonny boy :)
timepass, Kodi's Mom: :-)
Thinking aloud: I am! :-)
Moppet's Mom: :-D Indeed.
ITW: I can't wait...
Lavs: You sure do. Enjoy all the precious moments...:-)
Swati: I guess I stu, I'll try to make more time..
You stu do more SOnny Posts and yes we are glad too that you maintain this blog _ Sonny is totally original and hilarious!
super glad u have this post to chronicle Calvin and Bart rolled into one! me shudders to imagine what what our roller-coaster will come up with, what with his mad momma and looney fatha! dying to meet Sonny boy, make a plan quick!
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