Hm... now this is going to be a difficult post. To write about the people/things that make me judgemental
Have always thought myself to be a broadminded, tolerant person. To put it very frankly, I think that is a nicer way to put it rather than calling myself a doormat.
Am not diffident about taking a stand, but am one who is ever willing to see the other person's view, rather than sticking to my own. Isn't that better than being called a fence sitter, who is too lazy to take sides. If I ever came to form part of a jury, I should forever be vacillating between the accused and the victim, once given both their versions.
But, all that aside, I certainly do have my strong opinions and am definitely judgemental on a few things. Just that I had hidden them away in a deep, dark corner.... But then have been tagged to reveal just that. So here goes... I am judgemental about
1. Persons who think they have a better deal in life- could be their home, could be job, could be marriage, could be kid, anything- and then keep advising the other people to move up in life. This is especially true for relatives. These types get on my NERVES. And sometimes, they're so totally deluded by their own lifestyle, they fail to grasp that someone could actually be happier otherwise.
2. Ok, so some people do not like dogs. That is ok with tolerant me. But looking askance, and commenting on other people who do... I dislike such people too. Especially if they are the type who are ok with other animals, like cat, bird, cow etc. Live and let live, people!
3. I loathe loud people, who raise a hue and cry over every silly thing, and then expect others to do it too. And who then proceed to look down upon their abilities if the others do not.
4. I look down on people who take their language, accent, (Usha has put it very nicely) culture, rituals, customs to be superior.Ultimately, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, so where do they think they are headed with their superiority?
5. I was extremely judgemental in school about those goody goodys who would slog and slog and slog, and then say they hadn't studied anything! And once outside the exam hall, they said they were sure to fail. GRRR! So what did they think would happen if they admitted they had finished revising the entire portions for the umpteenth time? That others would buck up and defeat them to the coveted rank? Bah! funny how these types disappeared once in college/University.
6. I am extremely judgemental of those colleagues who sit on their fat asses, do nothing, and then rush to take /try to take credit for a difficult job well done. I have been known to get off the fence, fling the doormat and be as aggressive as it takes, when these types get my goat. But very very rarely.
7. I am extremely judgemental of people who cannot do anything for themselves in life, but look to others to get it done for them. Worse, people who come to expect it as their birthright, and try to make everybody else feel the same, or feel guilty. GRRRR!!!
8. I judge people who plonk their unwanted selves/family/kids on you, without so much as a by your leave. And then , who do nothing to help out either, but expect to be waited upon hand and foot. BAH! I would love to do the same to them, but have been brought up better.
But yeah, while most of these people do get on my nerves, it is my beloved husband who gets to bear the brunt of my nerves. He listens ( is forced to listen) to all my rants and then asks me why I'm ranting at him?! Why can't I just let go? Or better still, go and shout at the person who deserves it?
I can't always, my dear husband. Tho' I am sorry occasionally for downloading on you. But then every once in a while comes along a person like Itchy...who tags me and lets me let off steam. Leaving the husband in peace.Thanks, Itchy!
I tag: Dame's Diary, Whatsinaname, Gauri, Swati, HGMom, and anyone else who wishes to take it up. C'mon let the fumes spill forth...
1 year ago
no 1 - those poor me types & no 8.. hate them
Dont be so harsh on type 5. Some of us really believe we have not studied enough if we have not studied that one last chapter never mind we know the rest of the book almost by heart. And we lack the confidence to believe we can actually pass!
rest, mostly with you.
It is amazing how many judgeable types of characters are around and guess what eventually all of us have at least one trait that someone else is judgemental about!
Usha- Oh, was never irritated with the gals who would be #1 and #2, who would be the types you mentioned in your comment. They would be honest about them not having gone into that ONE chapt, which was sure to come. and these types would help out very well, with doubts.
Was irritated with the goody two shoes types, who would never have studied anything to enough to be able to help another out by explaining. This even after scoring high marks in the test!
and pls, :-) after knowing you, you would never fit into my memory of Type no 5 in my list.
And then again, it all depends on circumstances and contexts.
What a list!So your man gets to listen to what you have to say!Lucky you.He actually replies.Mine will not even turn to look at me when I have something to say.It is a umm or uuuuuummmm depending on how annoyed I am.
I hate those #4 types too !
I guess about the rest ...will disclose in my homework :P
Well...doenst it take effort to think all those things???
tiring tag!!!
LOL! The no 5 types would have certainly judged me. I would turn up on the morning of my exams without a single book or sheet of paper to cram in the 5 mins before the exam started.
No 8, no 8: Am in the unfortunate circumstance of being a perennial host to extended family...
moppet's Mom- Lol. I would lug my books alright, but end up garnering bits and pieces from here and there...
Kiran- Aah... what can I say, except, my heartfelt sympathies...
ooo #6 gets my goat too...
#5 didn't vanish in University, they probably left your school and came to my university :) Gah I hate that type too.. Esp the ones who will always say they don't know how to solve anything but still get 99% !
STS- here's to joint Grrrr's
Poppins- Lolololol. I was well rid of them after school, sorry to see that my loss was your gain. Irritating types, aren't they?
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