I already have one tag that I'm l-a-g-g-i-n-g behind on- on Indian Writing I love. Poppins, every time I do a post, am reminded of you, and I feel guilty. Yours is the next tag I'm going to do, I promise.
Its just that Whatsinaname's tag is so much easier to take up- requires less of casting back to all the old favourites among my Indian writers... I need only ramble..., and that is something I love doing.
So, coming back to fetishes... I was musing to my husband that I had been tagged by WIN on fetishes, and that I didn't really have any strong fetishes, when the man enquired with a sly grin, if I conceded that I was rather a dull, boring person....sans fetishes?!
Just for that, here goes..
1. I loooove window shopping. And I soooo love getting my husband also to tag along with me. After all I need to voice my opinions to somebody, don't I? And we did decide to take each other on for better and for worse...
I'm a total sucker for Sales and Offers and I love seeing what's on offer for how much.
2. I don't think I'm a perfume person, I dislike strong smells. But I do love deodorants. And I have a fair number of them- bought and gifted. And those delicate whiffs are indeed so mmmm... nice.
3. I love dogs. I like all animals, except for the crawly species, but there's something special about dogs. And there's no rational thought behind it, but I simply adore them. My biggest dream is to own a house with large space around, so I can have a couple of darlings cavorting around in my front/back yard. Inside my house as well.
4. I love books. And I love buying them( no window shopping preferred here) This and point no 3. are one of the reasons I continue to work- so I can afford to indulge and realise my dreams. However, I am as happy (please don't lynch me) buying them from my roadside fella, as from Blossom/Landmark/Crossword.
5. I love bargains. And I love butting into all these shops on Brigade Road and galis on Commercial Street, where I can generally peep, and overhear other experts bargaining, (Its alway nice to observe a master at work- Usha has written about a genius here LOL!) and decide if I want to indulge myself. Also, on long drives, I would love to stop and check the prices of whatever it is they have stacked on the roadside. It definitely has to be cheaper than in namma Bengaluru. Unfortunately the partner does not oblige. And till now he's been in the driver's seat.
6. I am addicted to blogging. I can't help myself logging in at least once a day, to see what's up with my pals in the virtual world. Helps that they have little (grand) brats and (grand) bratties of their own. And that they all write so well and humourously about their trials and takes and joys in life helps too.
7. I frequently find myself buying things I have no real need for. Like lipsticks, and hair removers, and cleansers, and pots. Window shoppers too slip up at times. I think I have this idea that if I buy them , I will use them.
I have two tubes of Veta hair remover, which I bought on impulse, on two separate ocasions, but which are still unused, because I go to the parlour and wax my limb-forests away. Lipsticks are all bought during offers/sales by all the various smart marketeers. Post 30, you're advised to have a skin routine, so I buy the cleansers. But I'm yet to develop a usage routine.And I have 7 pots, outside my front door, all filled with mud, but only 3 with plants. The empty pots stare at me accusingly every morning on my way to work.
8. Another of my fetishes is finding resemblances to people. I do this all the time, to all the people I meet on the street be it a man or woman. It suddenly strikes me that he/she looks like somebody else, tho' I may not remember who it is. I drive my husband mad asking him who it could possibly be. I realised this is becoming rather an OCD, when I chanced upon Africanfragments on Usha's blog, and racked my brains to think who she looked like. Please, doesn't she look like Kiran Desai in that foto of hers in self portrait? Only in the self portrait, tho'. I thought for a whole day before I came up satisfatorily with Kiran Desai.
Hmmm... think that makes me enough feathered a peacock as I would like to be. I tag Moppet's Mom, Poppins (I will, I will, I will!), Zumzum's Mom. Come on, preen your feathers, girls!
1 year ago
Window shopping is not a fetish - sweety its our Gog given right. So are deals and bargain hunting.
And seriously, what is it - with women our age and lipstick purchasing - esp ones that we NEVER ever use....
window shopping, books, blogging ...3 on my list as well(whenever I do).
Hey I have a solution to Pt. No.7. Call me when you have done this - I will swing by and take them away. Win - Win what?
STS: Truly! Such harmless pleasure was never got any other way! :D
Sunita: Seems windowshopping is a universal favourite.!
Usha: LOL You are most welcome, especially if you bring Munni along. :D How is she btw? Hugs to her.
I give you 11 on 10 for this homework :P
Finding resemblance is one of my weak point too :) Cant rest till I get it right!
Oh Munni - in my present mood I can leave her with you forever. My husband takes her to IIm for a walk every morning. Madamoiselle decided to jump from the car the other day right in the middle of the road - chasing some dogs. Finally wen found her in IIM parking lot with a sprained foot!
Few days later she ran away one night and got into a street fight and returned with a black eye and a bleeding nose!
I am going through all the tensions of having a turbulent adolescent - all that I did not have with Siddhu.
WIN: make that a garland of flowers, teacher! ;-) and thank you. Do you think there is a resemblance to Kiran Desai?
Usha: Lololol the brave little Munni. Not afraid to hold her own in the big bad world of wolves.LOL!
Oh JLT - what a sweet thing you are! Even your fetishes are sweet simple things...!
I love how the guilt doesn't prevent you from tagging Poppins :))
LOL esp on resemblance :)
Window shopping. Yes! But MC's policy is buy or leave :(
Moppet's Mom: Now, I hope you weren't being sarcastic. But do you really mean that I am a sweet thing? I LOVE you!
Poppins: :-) my way of making amends a little...
Poppins: Do you see it too?
Asha: Husbands are the same everywhere. But I try to make mine see the value of having a wife who does not insist on buying everything she sees. Lol! A losing effort, I may say. But try, try, try again.. till...
Squiggles' Mom: Sorry, adressed my comment meant for you to Poppins. Welcome to my blog. And yeah, that was my way of making amends a little to Poppin;-)
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